Betekenis van:
rev up

to rev up
    • speed up
    "let's rev up production"



    to rev up
      • increase the number of rotations per minute
      "rev up an engine"




      1. drawing up and publishing guidelines for classifying statistical units in accordance with NACE Rev. 2;
      2. Use of the classification of economic activities in the Community requires that the Commission be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee set up by Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom in particular as regards: the examination of problems arising from implementation of NACE Rev. 2; ensuring a fully coordinated transition from NACE Rev. 1 to NACE Rev. 2; and, the preparation of future amendments to NACE Rev. 2.
      3. Statistical units referred to in business registers, as set up according to Regulation (EEC) No 2186/93, shall be classified according to NACE Rev. 2.
      4. The deadline may be up to 15 calendar days longer for data on the NACE Rev. 2 Group and Class levels or the CPA Group and Class levels.
      5. These undertakings are those whose operations fall under Section D — Manufacturing being subsection DA up to and including subsection DN of the NACE (Rev.1) classification [5];
      6. For those Member States whose value added in Sections B, C, D and E of NACE Rev. 2 in a given base year represents less than 3 % of the European Community total, the deadline may be up to 15 calendar days longer for data on total industry, MIGs, NACE Rev. 2 Section and Division level or CPA Section and Division level.’.
      7. The deadline may be up to 15 days longer for Member States whose turnover in Division 47 of NACE Rev 2. in a given base year represents less than 3 % of the European Community total.
      8. The deadline may be up to 15 days longer for those Member States whose turnover in Division 47 of NACE Rev. 2 in a given base year represents less than 3 % of the European Community total.’.
      9. The deadline may be up to 15 days longer for those Member States whose turnover in Division 47 of NACE Rev. 2 in a given base year represents less than 3 % of the European Community total.
      10. In order to reflect the technological development and structural changes of the economy, an up-to-date classification, called NACE Revision 2, should be established (hereinafter referred to as ‘NACE Rev. 2’).
      11. ‘public undertakings operating in the manufacturing sector’ means all undertakings whose principal area of activity, defined as being at least 50 % of total annual turnover, is in manufacturing. These undertakings are those whose operations fall under Section D — Manufacturing being subsection DA up to and including subsection DN of the NACE (Rev.1) classification [5];
      12. An up-to-date classification such as NACE Rev. 2 is central to the Commission's ongoing efforts to modernise the production of Community statistics; it is expected to contribute, through more comparable and relevant data, to better economic governance at both Community and national level.
      13. Branches of credit institutions referred to in Article 38 of Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (recast) [2] whose activity falls within the scope of NACE Rev. 2 classes 64.19 and 64.92, are to be treated as the credit institutions referred to in paragraph 2.